Rick Van Ness is a very successful private investor who has been a student of financial planning and investing for over 40 years.
Rick earned an MBA in Finance from New York University. His background in engineering and business provides him with an excellent basis for understanding and teaching investments and financial planning. He doesn’t give advice, but rather provides unbiased education. Rick helps students understand the teachings of the most widely respected economists and financial planners. Students learn that investing smart is simple (not easy) and create their own roadmap to take charge of their own finances and then strive for financial independence on their path to achieving a rich and fulfilling life. He is President of GrowthConnection LLC.
Rick originally was trained as an electronics engineer at Cornell University and practiced engineering for many years at Hewlett Packard Company. Rick has also started three businesses and coaches entrepreneurs in the Puget Sound area.
Two books that Rick wrote for beginners of all ages:

Related Articles:
About Rick Van Ness
Rick Van Ness: My Story
Important: neither Rick Van Ness nor GrowthConnection LLC sells any type of investments or insurance, and do not provide individual investment advice. He educates you without self-interest (other than the joy he always gets from hearing from readers).
Have any conditions in the crypto or U.S. bond market changed since you published the book on bonds that might cause you to reconsider your opinion about the role on bond investing?
Thanks for your question Eric. No, my views haven’t changed. But I was remiss for not discussing I-series Treasury Bonds in the book. I did mention TIPS. Both are safe ways to protect against unexpected inflation. The book was about the role of bonds (and CDs) even when interest rates are low. I avoid speculative products altogether. I hope to update the book next year.