Summary of video: Vanguard Target Retirement Funds Three key points make Vanguard's Target Date Funds stand out from the competition: a very basic, fundamental structure comprised of index …
How To Choose Target Date Funds? (video)
One of the ten rules for smart investors is to "keep it simple". As you learn how to invest consider whether you can simplify by using a target date fund or another type of balance fund. Not all …
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How Does a Target Date Fund Work? (video)
Smart beginning investors can often simplify their lives by using only a single fund that matches their needs for both risk and return. Investors should learn how these funds work so that they can …
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What are Target Date Funds? (video)
Summary of video: What are Target Date Funds? Three key benefits: Broad Diversification Self-Adjusts Asset Mix Auto-Rebalancing Transcript of What are Target Date …
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