Good personal finance blogs and websites can be excellent resources. Make them part of your lifelong learning. Also check out my list of best books on investing.

Helpful Personal Finance Websites for Beginner Investors
Learn which personal finance websites you can trust, and avoid those that are actually trying to sell you something.
Web/Blog: I was late to discover because I am not a physician. I was wrong. James D. Turner writes wisdom. You will enjoy many of his posts. The one that I read that made me a subscriber is called How To Teach Kids About Money: The Ultimate Guide.
Web/Blog: Jonathan Clements, the longtime personal finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal is a man with wisdom and also a brilliant writer. I subscribe to his blog HumbleDollar.
Web/Blog: I’ve been following Mike Piper‘s blog, Oblivious Investor, for over a year. He’s got a knack for taking the complexity out of investing and the wisdom to help his readers understand the alternatives and implications of common investment decisions.
Web/Blog: Road Map for Investing Success This is Paul Crafterโs free online investing primer. It’s excellent.
Helpful Websites for Intermediate Investors
If you know some basic concepts, these authors will really help you see hear and understand the simple truths amongst all the noise. This level is aimed squarely at do-it-yourselfers, which in my opinion can and should be almost everyone.
Boglehead Wiki/Forum: Two of the gems of the web for quality investment advice are the wiki and discussion forum maintained by the Bogleheads. Find common answers by topic in the wiki and quality discussions that include both beginners and experts in the forum. Tip: search prior discussions for your answers. You’ll learn a ton!
Web/Blog: While The White Coat Investor blog is investing and personal finance information for physicians, dentists, residents, students and other highly-educated busy professionals. Yet, most of the content is valuable for all of us. Check it out!
Web/Blog: Rick Ferri is a very highly regarded author that contributes actively on the Boglehead discussion forum. Follow his blog here.
Web/Blog: Allan Roth is another very highly regarded author that contributes actively on the Boglehead discussion forum, and contributes articles to CBSNEWS here.
Web/Blog: Harry Sit at The Finance Buff is another generous Boglehead participant and hosts another blog worth reading!
Web/Blog: Larry Swedroe is another very highly regarded author that contributes actively on the Boglehead discussion forum. He is an outspoken proponent of passive investing and highly regarded for his advice on bonds. Larry posts on CBS Money Watch here: Wise Investing.