Financial Independence
Questions answered in the video:
Vicki Robin Reveals How Simple Living Yields Greater Happiness
- What are we talking about when we’re talking about simple living or frugality?
- What is the relationship between money and freedom?
- Are there some people who aren’t happy unless they have more material possessions?
- How do you know how much is enough until you’ve had too much?
- What are some examples of how you have gotten people to rethink their consumption and change their lives?
- How big has this simple living movement become?
- Is there a spiritual component to over-consumption?
- Does money provide the power and freedom in the ability to influence others and actually create the society that we live in?
- Are there some success stories about people taking these ideas further?
- Backlash against some of these ideas?
Questions answered in the video:
Simplify Your Life! Your Money, Your Life, Your Happiness
- What is the history of the Your Money or Your Life program?
- How does the Your Money or Your Life program work?
- Achieving financial independence is not the only carrot? What makes life worth living?
- What is enough for me?
- What is your experience eating local with your ten-mile food diet?
- Are we perhaps entering a time where simplicity will be involuntary?
- How does simplifying your life build community?
Questions answered in the video: “I buy my freedom with my frugal living”
- What is the 9-step program to achieve financial independence?
- I’m in financial trouble and I need to get a grip on my finances really quickly. What should I do?
- Is my money buying me a life I love?
- How is it that “how you spend your money” is the same as “how you spend your time, and your life”?
- How is being frugal the same as buying freedom?
How To Invest?
Investing For Beginners
- What is common sense investing?
- What is an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)?
- What is compound interest?
- How can I control investment risk?
- How should I diversify?
- What is market timing?
- What are index funds?
- How much should I pay? What is low cost?
- What do I need to know about taxes?
- How can this be simple? It seems so complicated.
- Where do most people go wrong?
What to buy?
Asset Classes
- What is an asset class?
- Which asset classes are hot?
- How many asset classes do I need?
- When to invest in gold?
- Are there times where you should go full-bore into commodities?
- Is gold a good investment during volatile markets?
Asset Allocation
- Why invest in bonds?
- How to use bonds to reduce stock market risk?
- Are bonds a safe investment?
- Why are bonds an attractive way to diversify?
Investing in Bonds
- What is a money market fund?
- Are CDs better than bonds?
- What are bonds?
- What are bond ladders?
- Individual bonds or bond fund?
Types of Funds?
Mutual Funds
- What is a mutual fund?
- Which mutual fund is right?
- What is a “load” or “no load”?
- What are the ways that sales charges might appear?
- Are there additional fees and expenses to own a mutual fund?
- What is net asset value? (NAV)
- How do I make money with a mutual fund?
- What is an open-ended fund? closed-ended fund?
Questions about passively managed mutual funds:
Questions about actively managed mutual funds:
- Are managed funds OK if I don’t wish to manage my own investments?
- Investing is so complex, surely a manager can do better than average.
- Is it ever ok to own individual stocks and bonds?
Questions about funds of funds:
Index Funds
Questions answered in videos about Passive Investing Using Index Funds:
- Why passive investing? What are index funds?
- How many index funds do I need to own?
- Is it OK to use a balanced fund that has both stocks and bonds?
- What if I want better than average returns?
- Why is Vanguard special?
- Don’t the best fund managers beat the market average?
- Don’t the best fund managers produce returns higher than their costs?
- How can passive investing beat the market without doing anything?
- What is the best way to diversify?
- Can passive investing take the stress out of investing?
- Why do most people use active management if passive is better?
- Will everyone ultimately become index investors?
- What should ordinary investors do?
Questions answered in video interview with John Bogle about Vanguard and index funds:
- Index Funds as a Disruptive Technology
- We are all indexers—even the active traders.
- What happened to long-term investing?
- Is there anything good about trading stocks?
- A paid salesman can always beat the index fund.
- Good managers are in the business of investment management, and not in the business of marketing.
- Behind the scenes of an index fund? Is it 5 robots, 3 monkeys and a bunch of data?
- Is a cap-weighted index fund bad? Are there better indexing schemes?
- How many index mutual funds should an individual own? What’s too many? What’s too few?
- Social Security and how much bonds to own?
- What about financial advisors for those that don’t want to do it themselves?
- How much should you pay for financial advice? (some eye-opening arithmetic!)
- Does capitalism mix with the fiduciary duty of managing other people’s money?
- We have two guarantees in the financial business.
- When is it appropriate for an individual to buy stocks?
- Interestingly enough, there are no behaviorisms in the field of stocks generally.
- When to abandon stocks because loss of faith in team?
- Is there ever a situation where investor should be happy in a load fund?
- Do you believe we will have a unified fiduciary standard or not?
- The Vanguard Culture
Questions answered in video: How to Win the Loser’s Game:
- Why do so many ordinary investors continue to buy actively managed investments?
- What kind of fees and expenses am I paying? What’s a good price?
- Why do you say that index investing is superior?
- Can you trust the academic research about index investing?
- What is the optimum index fund investment portfolio?
- What is the reason index investing is the winning strategy?
- Is there an indexing scheme better than proportional to market value?
- Can you tilt a portfolio towards a risk factor for higher expected returns?
- How does investor behavior play a part in this?
- Is the fund management industry serving society? or failing society?
Questions answered in other videos about Index funds:
Questions answered in videos about Target Date Retirement Funds:
- What are target date funds?
- How does a target date fund work?
- How do you choose target date funds?
- How do Vanguard target date investments compare with competition?
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